domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

my bucketlist :) 1- 162

1.Play Gotcha
2.Receive a heart shaped pizzaTumblr_luqf6qwkkc1r60zhwo1_500_large
 3.Get a customized TOMS
 4.Make a perfume
4.Paint a portrait
5.Ride a segway
6.Improve my intuition
7.Get my chart
8.Go with a psychic
9.Act in anything
10.Be famous on DeviantArtFae848f458045ba891e9d17a5ec80779-d5j7ccp_large
11.Own a gremlin plushie or teletubbies plushiesTumblr_m9deytnzax1qccp2lo1_r1_500_large
12.Own an undeadted plushie
13.Watch my favorites series and movies again with someone
14. Make someone play Viva Piñata
15.Make a piñata of viva piñata
16.Have a store
17.Go to a asturias

18.Buy many things in Michael's
19.Decorate someone´s house
20.Have a community gardenTumblr_lmaktckp5p1qdeuyro1_500_large
21.Be on the radio
22.Start a favor chain

23.Donate my organs when i die20080928031216_large
24.Be a nanny
25. Get Hypnotized and have a Past Life Regression
26.Have a seances
27.Get a Professional Tarot ReadingLargeTumblr_mkophnqfvc1rp40neo1_1280_largeTumblr_mivn201due1qd82cqo1_500_large
28.Know the colour of my aura601126_342360325879772_1623320143_n_large
29.Decorate my house like my pet society house
30.Get round windows and doors2gncjqkgmps278nzp0f90oxho1_500_large
31.Go to an art class
32. Sleep in a gypsy caravan

33.Paint a window
 34.Go Glamping
 35.Win a pin pong game Be good at ping pong
36. Visit the Crayola factory
 37.Visit the Play-doh factoryTeddybear_doh_by_catchthemoment-d328609_large
38.Find artists that i like
39.Go to one or more of the best toystoresTumblr_mkhrm851ia1s8grg9o1_500_largeToyjf_largeDsc_0534_large
 40.Learn how to lucid dream
 41.Learn to use a Pogo stick
 42.Roast marshmallows on a bonfireTumblr_m8nlh1gdin1qi9p54o1_500_large
43.Try to make homemade marshmallows
44.Study Greek Mytology
45.Ride a elephant
46.Be photographed holding a monkeyLarge
 47.Cover the Ceiling Above my Bed With Glowing Stars
48.Sleep under the stars Indoor skydiving ( Las Vegas & Orlando, Florida )
49.Kiss at the top of a ferris wheelTumblr_lt8qryjred1r29t5yo1_500_largeHwlreegvjq9zpz16h7c6ofd_large
50.Kiss in the rain ♥
51.Kiss someone with Pop Rocks in my mouth
52.Draw Everyday for a MonthTumblr_lwuupo0ujp1qcu3spo1_500_large
53.Ride a king swing
54.Visit a butterfly garden
55.Complete the 100 Snapshots Challenge
56.Ride a horse
 57.Jump parachute
58.Fall Deeply In Love
59.Create My Own Tarot Deck
60.Sing in the street
61.Buy an interesting item from an antique shop
62.Eat a Pizza in Italy
63.Learn to play the piano
64.Go to Burning Man
65.Sequence my own genome
66.Ride a bike for two
67.Eat pop tarts
68.Save someones life
69.Sing my favorite song to an audience
70.Sit on a japanese toilet
71.Spend a whole day taking random pictures
72.Splatter Paint a Room or House
73.Stay in a Themed Hotel Room
74.Stay up 24 hours for a good cause
75.Take a circus class
76.Take brilliant photographs that i can blow up and frame for my own house
77.Throw a bucket of water on someone
78.Visit Trees of Mystery California
79.Walk through a labyrinthTumblr_la8hvleh7p1qc8itzo1_500_large
80.Walk through the Mall of America538295_2923505825406_510459575_n_large
81.Walk through the Path of Bamboo Kyoto, Japan
82.Watch all the episodes from American Horror StoryTumblr_lwbtsdqpw41qedlruo1_500_largeTumblr_mddsuijujc1qdarfpo1_500_large
83.Watch a live surgery
84.Participate in NaNoWriMo
85.Go to a Full Moon Party
86.Add 100 Goals to your list and then print it
87.Always have a camera with me and take pictures of everything
88.Appear on TV
89.Watch a entire season of American Next Top Model
90.Attend a homosexual couple's wedding
91.Attend a mind reading show
92.Attend a silent retreat for two weeks
93.Be a zoo keeper for a day
94.Be Completely Covered in Glow In The Dark Body Paint
95.Be on the radio

96.Be Outgoing for a Day, Do things I would never do!Tumblr_l9gvegwwzx1qbejg7o1_500_large_large
97.Become a 'Big Sister' with The Big Brothers and Sisters of AmericaLarge
98.Become a travel writer
99.Blow Glowing Bubbles and paint bubbles
100.Breathe in helium(done:))
101.Build a birdhouse
102.Build a Doll House
103.Build an awesome room
104.Build my dream house
105.Bury a secret

106.Bury a time capsule
107.Buy a polaroid camera
108.idk Buy and paint a hippie van
109.Buy something on Ebay
110.Carve My Name In A TreeTumblr_m482ablpw61rwtl65o1_500_large
111.Catch a rainbow in a photo
112.Catch fireflies in a jar
112.Complete 100 Random Acts Of KindnessLarge
113.Complete A Big Creative ProjectHi-baby-225745-467-700_large
114.Complete a paint by numbers
115.Complete all of my quick & easy bucket list goals
116.Complete one of the crafts that I have pinned on Pinterest
117.Complete seven things off my list in a week
118.Complete the 5000 Question Survey (doing it) :)
119.Convince someone to write their own bucket list
120.Cover someone's car in Post-it notesImg_0123_206396941_largeTumblr_lci4ncntgy1qdbbywo1_500_large
121.Create a Holiday and make people celebrate it
122.Create a room you love
123.Create a Wall Full of Pictures, Quotes, Memories, etc
124.Create and Maintain a Blog
125.Create and sell something in a storeLarge
126.Create my own film (not a very long one)
127.Create some awesome art for my bedroom wall
128.Decorate a room in an Alice in Wonderland themeTumblr_lmbtw6g2tw1qcnlpmo1_500_large
129.Design a clock
130.Design a house
131.Discover my Spirit Animal
132.Do a Time Lapse

133.Do something new every day for a month
134.Donate blood
135.Draw a picture for someone
136.Draw A Unicorn
137.Dress in Lolita Style or other harajuku
138.Eat 20 items of the Omnivore's 100Tumblr_lvsy5hlcaj1r60zhwo1_500_large
139.Experience an out of body experienceTumblr_m5tdu3h0u71qieq9mo1_500_large
140.Experience India during Holi7121142407_8acb482dfa_c_large
141.Experience zero gravity
142.Fake My Own Death
143.Feel magical
144.Fill up an entire coloring book199143614742420222_x2krxf8a_c_large
145.Finish a 365 Photography Project
146.Finish the "642 things to draw" book
147.Freeze a flower
148.Get and keep a penpal
149.Get Hypnotized
150.Get my fortune told from a physic
151.Give 100 compliments in one week
152.Go by a fake name for a whole day
153.Go on a fantastic zip line (done :))
154.Have a "wreck this journal"
155.Have a meaningful conversation with a stranger
156.Have a paint fight
157.Have a Spa day
158.Own a customized lavalamp or make one

159.Have a wild deer eat out of your hand
160.Have an orgasm
161.Help change somebody's life
162.Make a gif and make art ( done it :))

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